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Messages - j0e

Pages: 1 ... 26 27 [28] 29 30
General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 26, 2013, 11:23 PM »
That is cheating avi.

Some keyboards have rapid fire buttons included - would you say that isn't cheating?  :P

General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 25, 2013, 03:21 PM »
Nice roping barman. Props for using one space so well.

Maybe there is a slight advantage for those starting off, but at the higher levels it doesn't really make a difference.
Alright, maybe for the top 5 ropers it doesn't make much difference..  you may have convinced me of that, but I still think that for 99.9% of people it's an unfair advantage.

Anyway thanks for keeping the responses civil. I went over the top a bit. Finger rolling (2 spaces) has bothered me for a while, but never enough to say something about it, until now I guess.

General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:42 AM »
The argument you just gave is exactly the one I had in mind when I said don't bother arguing. Not that my arguments are ironclad, but you won't convince me that 2 space finger rollers don't have an unfair advantage.

There are no space bars as sensitive/controllable as two separate buttons. With a single space bar, sure you can get a few fast taps, but it's 100 times harder to control than if you're using two buttons.

Part of that is because with 1 spacebar, the downstroke of one finger can prevent the spacebar from lifting from your previous space press if your timing is off. That doesn't happen with 2 buttons because the buttons aren't physically connected. This limitation also affects your timing.

The proof that 2 space "finger rolling" gives an unfair advantage is in the results. Just compare a "finger roller" with a 1 space roper - you don't have to know who is who because it's immediately obvious. Arguing about how WA accepts keyboard inputs and about ideal sensitive spaces, etc, is irrelevant. In theory maybe it works the same, but in practice two-space "finger rollers" have a huge advantage.

You said you doubted if FRing helps. Having the ability to do fast, reliable tapping definitely gives you an advantage in some situations. If you're doing a scroll close to the roof with 1 space bar, for example, you pretty much have to slow down or stop if you get too close to the roof with too much speed, because you can't trust that the spacebar will register, and you'll end up hitting your head on the roof. "Finger rollers" just spam some taps and keep scrolling. I remember watching this exact scenario with barman rr'ing with his last worm in a clanner, where his worm suddenly got really close to the ceiling during a fast scroll, but instead of slowing down he pulled a bunch of impossible taps out of his ass to save his scroll, without losing horizontal speed, with his worm practically touching the roof. That same move would be pretty much impossible, and at least far too risky to attempt, with one space bar. And it would be a lot more difficult to time properly with the above-mentioned limitation of having a single spacebar that is physically one piece. I'm not saying barman isn't a great roper, but when you watch something like that, you are forced to think "wow, he has an unfair advantage".

In the video I posted, the guy can tap pretty fast, but he still can't trust his space bar enough to scroll with a short rope. Using two spacebars eliminates that uncertainty.

On a side note, there are some remappers that will accept both inputs, even if the two spaces are pressed at the same time, and input one space right after the other. But you're not talking about those programs.

General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 25, 2013, 05:04 AM »
This is the only video I've seen of someone actually finger rolling

Anyone who 'finger rolls' using 2+ spacebars is a cheater, in my opinion. I have no respect for this fake kind of roping.

And I've heard all the justifications for it so don't bother arguing. Do what dub-c says (who is an excellent roper) and learn to rope the proper way.

Promotion Project / Re: TUS and WA Promotion Project
« on: February 18, 2013, 06:29 AM »
No posts in 8 days.. don't tell me you're all giving up that easy!

Tech Support / Re: f@#! this shit problem
« on: February 13, 2013, 01:07 AM »
I have no idea how to fix this. Can you at least join games through ?

Tech Support / Re: New Wormer needs help...
« on: February 05, 2013, 01:35 AM »
when it says the file is bad, is that right after it says "it appears your'e running WA 1.0, we have to patch it to 3.0 first" ?
and then it says "install it manually" ?

if so, the 3.0 patch bundled with the installer doesnt work for me either, install this

and then you can patch to as normal

and if you still have any problems with win8, steps' windows 8 windowed mode thing will fix it

you don't need wormkit, just go into advanced settings in WA and check the box "load wormkit modules on startup"

General discussion / Re: Anyone remember me? :( lol
« on: January 17, 2013, 06:02 AM »
Holy hell, it's Magic! Welcome back dude. How long has it been? 7 years? 8?

General discussion / Re: Did you know that there's a WMDB heavy pack?
« on: September 25, 2012, 06:06 AM »
Mab be sure to include Blaze's roper maps!

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] Game 122051
« on: August 29, 2012, 02:43 AM »
Reported under classic league by mistake
This was TRL, roper



General discussion / Re: Darts 4 HostingBuddy?
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:10 PM »
Bungee races too while we're at it!

General discussion / Re: Swimming worms
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:14 AM »
This is really awesome. Can someone post a PX scheme that includes the swim, and if possible as many PX weapons as possible? I only have a few different ones in my "wepons" scheme. Thanks.. I can't wait to try this.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #108356, Reported by Mablak
« on: April 27, 2012, 06:25 AM »
Avirex & Shyguy.. always fun times lol.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: TRL: BnG unofficial playoffs?
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:20 AM »
I won't know my work schedule until Friday-ish, but I'll let you know.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: TRL: BnG unofficial playoffs?
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:50 AM »
I'm in.

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