April 25, 2024, 02:02 PM

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shiny shopper, shiny wxw shopper, shiny plop war maps? ^.-
Shiny everything, coming soon. Stay tuned. :)

Mappacks Comments / Re: Mappack #620, The Shinyverse submitted by TheKomodo
« Last post by Triad on Yesterday at 09:48 PM »
shiny shopper, shiny wxw shopper, shiny plop war maps? ^.-
Shiny everything, coming soon. Stay tuned. :)
Mappacks Comments / Mappack #620, The Shinyverse submitted by TheKomodo
« Last post by Lupastic on Yesterday at 09:05 PM »
shiny shopper, shiny wxw shopper, shiny plop war maps? ^.-
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Danger135 on Yesterday at 08:34 PM »
Not sure if this is trick race or darts.
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by TheKomodo on Yesterday at 05:08 PM »
did I do so much? I won't do this again.
You mean your challenge record? 111 is really good, but not unbeatable. Not sure if I can beat it before the challenge ends.
I meant conversation. For example, I don’t care what method I used to get to 15

Well, as long as it's what we consider to be either a swoosh or a mexican swoosh then it's fine.

The good thing is, we know absolutely how to judge it efficiently now.

The difference between Masta and I seems to be the way in which we measure the validity of a move. He said and I quote - "For me it's more about the trick being executed on the first possible frame than how it looks" which means he counts the missing frames that you cannot see normally. I highly doubt anybody even knew this was possible before replays and TA was available.

On the other hand I measure every move based on what you see with the normal frame by frame replay, and if replays weren't available, you'd record it and slow it down showing effectively the same thing. Instead of using TA to show "what we actually meant to happen but doesn't actually happen unless you use THIS specific replay feature to analyze it".

Speaking about those missing frames... They don't exist naturally do they? Those were added to the game via "tweening" weren't they? If this is the case then it's even stronger support to why I don't consider the move that Shtaket did a genuine swoosh. We don't measure moves by the direction the rope shoots only, we also measure them with what we see, the position we're in as we do them etc.

It's actually weird to me why the game was designed like this now, like, why not just show the LAST part of the frame instead of the first as it's being executed? Anyway I'm sure there's a reason for it. If that's the way it really is, then why not just show it like that? Though, that would take away this frame perfect new move we discovered lol.

Regardless of which way you record, it's interesting that in 25 years of playing this game, I've never seen that before!
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Triad on Yesterday at 04:55 PM »
I meant conversation. For example, I don’t care what method I used to get to 15
Oh, it's just W:A nerds (me included) nerding out about tiny details, mostly. ;D Don't worry about it. All your runs are fine, no void shots.
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Shtaket on Yesterday at 04:31 PM »
did I do so much? I won't do this again.
You mean your challenge record? 111 is really good, but not unbeatable. Not sure if I can beat it before the challenge ends.
I meant conversation. For example, I don’t care what method I used to get to 15
Files Comments / Re: File #2518, Super Mario World - Custom Terrain
« Last post by Kradie on Yesterday at 04:31 PM »
It's just finding the time to do it.  I've got a new terrain that's a work in progress so I'd prefer to work on that with any spare time.  I'm happy to drop all of the original files here though if anyone wants to work on an alternate version?
That's fine and it is perfectly understandable.  ;)

I look forward seeing your new terrain!  :)
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Triad on Yesterday at 04:21 PM »
did I do so much? I won't do this again.
You mean your challenge record? 111 is really good, but not unbeatable. Not sure if I can beat it before the challenge ends.
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Shtaket on Yesterday at 03:51 PM »
did I do so much? I won't do this again.
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