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Great Snooper | 3rd chapter

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A few things:

- If you have autologon on, you have to start two GS to be able to change nick/account. How about a "log out" option that brings you back to login window?

- After updating you have to start GS again manually. Not a big deal, though.

- Request from Wheat Snooper topic:

--- Quote from: Pixy on September 18, 2014, 03:07 AM ---Is it possible to make a feature that notifies you whenever a game with a specific name or containing certain words is created?
For example If I add "shopper" to the list and someones creates a game called "shopper rules" TWS notifies me through a sound and a tray message if it's minimized.

--- End quote ---

- Fix my tuned version ;D

Hello there. I've been testing your software for awhile now and I really like its interface and simplicity. But just a few things that it lacks or should be optional: a hiding button - I wanna see it in the tray bar, whether maximized or minimized (the whole time as it's running, though this should be optional). The X button should NOT disconnect it. Independent windows for every chat (most likely, this should be optional, others might not agree). A few bugs: when organizing users connected on channels by Countries, Ranks, Nicks or Clans, it won't remain that way, the list simply resets on every session, and it's an annoying task to do everytime. Same with the Show login screen at startup - this option gets unmarked on every session, I wanna see the login screen everytime. And last but not less important, the ads... no offense but, what's up with that? What are the ads for? It really sucks to need to close it on every login session. Still I think you've done a great job as I'm comfortable with this software, more than I am with Wheat Snooper 2.8, 2.9 and so on.

Ok, now I have time, just finished the RHCP book xd

So the things I need to do are (from AlTarf's and Senator's comments):

* An option to make the exit button just hide the application - OK
* The application should be seen at the tray bar (near the clock) - Hope I can do it
* Independent windows for chat - I don't know if I can do this, don't really got the idea how could it be cool :/
* Save the order of the nick list - OK
* Login screen should be visible - I guess I should separate show login window and remember me checkboxes. Now remember me checks out show login window (not a bug, but a feature xD)
* News.. why is it: you can't really inform people on WormNet about anything, but with this at least you can reach GS users.. news should not appear when you have read them all.. so if you just press left or right arrow button to "read" all the news, it should not open next time, unless there is a new item. I guess I will remove the last thing and not force people to read all the news ;)
* Logout - it's easier to close and reopen the application than making this xD I mean at the end I didn't have energy to make it, and for me it really don't look important, is it?
* The update thing.. you could auto-start the snooper after being updated only with some hacks.. there is not so many updates that it should be annoying I guess
* Game notification feature - This is the first feature I'd like to make in the new version ;)


--- Quote from: Tomi on December 16, 2014, 03:16 PM ---Ok, now I have time, just finished the RHCP book xd

So the things I need to do are (from AlTarf's and Senator's comments):

* Independent windows for chat - I don't know if I can do this, don't really got the idea how could it be cool :/ don't forget I mentioned this should be an option as others might not like it, I do though...

* Save the order of the nick list - OK
* Login screen should be visible - I guess I should separate show login window and remember me checkboxes. Now remember me checks out show login window (not a bug, but a feature xD) separating such windows isn't exactly necessary, I just don't want the login screen to disappear if I check the Show login screen at startup option (gets unchecked) forget about this, I learned a while ago that it's the Remember me box that causes this to happen, so if unchecked, it won't do stuff automatically anymore

* News.. why is it: you can't really inform people on WormNet about anything, but with this at least you can reach GS users.. news should not appear when you have read them all.. so if you just press left or right arrow button to "read" all the news, it should not open next time, unless there is a new item. I guess I will remove the last thing and not force people to read all the news ;) that's okay, I didn't know that, yet I think there should be an option to disable them

* Logout - it's easier to close and reopen the application than making this xD I mean at the end I didn't have energy to make it, and for me it really don't look important, is it? a disconnect button is good if you wanna change your login information, which I do a lot so I need that: I simply wanna return to the login screen rather than disconnecting by clicking the X and when reopening, connecting and logging on automatically

* The update thing.. you could auto-start the snooper after being updated only with some hacks.. there is not so many updates that it should be annoying I guess that's fine by me

--- End quote ---

I'd also like to add one last thing. Would it be too much if I asked an Information spot to fill in with your desired information? Like on Wheat Snooper, by default, your information is The Wheat Snooper 2.8/2.9/2.9.2 and, if you get rid of the snoop word, people don't know what you're using, and I'd like that. Thanks.

P.S. Is there a way for great snooper not to tell me I've already hosted a game when attempting to use wkRehost module to ropen a game?  :P

Is there a way to hide ignored players from the list? It's bad when I see someone red highlighted, because it grabs my attention towards a person I ignore xD


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