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Author Topic: Protest vs. Seasson 32  (Read 8025 times)

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Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2013, 07:30 PM »
You are wrong. Thats how works /rs. On #PT your worm still will be blocked, but you wont be able to knock opponent worm

I'm talking about rope knocking, not walking. You can use rope to slide through worms in #PT. You can't knock them, but you can pass blocks.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline sm0k

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2013, 07:30 PM »
I'm glad you managed to post your thoughts without going Chelsea/Maciej on us, sm0k :)
I can see one problem with people boycotting the experimental season, though: in the end, we're going to see whether the changes are good or not. If people opposing the change don't play, then their opinion on these changes is going to mean diddly squat (so about the same as we currently value opinions of people who go apeshit over this).

We're going to want a good evaluation of what happens with these changes. More players = more accuracy.

as I said oldschoolers are mostly inactive/stopped playing/come and go, you don't have to be genius to deduce it

Then votes against hysteria were either made by people who don't play or who are also weak.

The only way you can actually know is by sending a mass PM to all of TUS to ask for their votes and then check their ratings. Until you do that, you are making assumption after assumption after assumption, which means you're using your opinion as a mold for what is true, which means you're an arrogant git.

edit: you guys post too quickly. If you can get in 5 new posts before I get one in myself, it means you're either not thinking for a long time before you post or not reading what the other guy has to say.

i make some toughs about the whole replays here. maybe there should be added some overall rules as well.
like. new rules gonna be just used if both players agree to it.  if one of them wanna old rules so they have to play by old rules. this way the most of us gonna accept that whole thing.  and same for playoffs. coz i dont think new rules should get more rights then the old ones, what you think d1?

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2013, 07:49 PM »
You don't get my point Maciej but it's allright. My point is that what for you was holy that no oldschool would ever speak about changing it is totally not true. Scheme have changed and evoluted a lot during the years. Even if it is true that the later trend was to minimize the number of scheme and to do a hunt against luck in scheme. Still they changed a lot. As said avirex in one of his post in proper/roper we have zook first which for example wasn't here in the previous FB league (please correct me if I am wrong but I'm quite sure one of the past league didn't have this). Yes, I understand it is hard to accept all these change at once but this is for the best.
On another topic, WL isn't the oldest league it was with tus in my opinion the two activest one. For lot of us when WL went down something broke in the game because it just wasn't as good as WL. That's why I took this example.
Finally, the all oldschool concept is just stupid if you ask me. Would you consider you or smok oldschool ? If yes, what am I when you see that I created TdC way before you started to play ? Or people like avirex, komo, anubis that has been here for way longer than you ? Should we consider you as an oldschool ?
Also, I've been around for way longer than mablak or random still I can happily admit that I know way less on this game  physics than them. People like casso or chelsea that "in my basis" are not oldschool know way more about hysteria than me or most 'oldschool'. Finally, this league is not only for top player or oldschool. It is for everyone, so clearly any vote has the same weight.

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2013, 07:52 PM »
I think nothing will ever change then, sm0k. Simple maths, really. If 50% wants a certain change, but both parties have to agree, then the percentage of games that will be played with the new rules is 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25
In clanners, it would be even more dramatic, considering all players would have to agree: 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.0625 = 6.25%

Offline sm0k

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2013, 08:13 PM »
I think nothing will ever change then, sm0k. Simple maths, really. If 50% wants a certain change, but both parties have to agree, then the percentage of games that will be played with the new rules is 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25
In clanners, it would be even more dramatic, considering all players would have to agree: 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.0625 = 6.25%

ye sure, it gonna show how many ppl rly are interested to try it. but i still belive its not right to give new rule smore right then to old one since they are classic shemes. maciej had on one point right. many newbies voting in the pool and they dont even know the real classic rules.. so actuelly they decide wich shemes and rules goin to be in classic. and we dont see a point to keep playing tus anymore if the classic shemes with their old rules are gone. you cant ignore that. if some old guys come back to worms , they wont stand for long if they see the new league as well. i keep my mind and i dont agree to that. i dont have a problem with that rules.. but old rules should have more rights.

and i dont think classic shemes need new changes too. tus made them good as they are so far.. exactly shoppa and wxw sheme , the t17 sheme is good so far too. so the sheme changes were perfectly. since 10+ years we play the same classic shemes , maybe some shemes were changin a bit , but it was just small things.. but this changes evrything.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 08:17 PM by sm0k »

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2013, 08:20 PM »
This question has actually been asked a couple of times, but haven't seen it answered: have you actually tried these changes?

Offline sm0k

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2013, 08:35 PM »
This question has actually been asked a couple of times, but haven't seen it answered: have you actually tried these changes?

ye we did, but we prefer the old ones.

Offline Hussar

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2013, 08:40 PM »
Well... we prefer changes !!! and i officially start to protesting ur protest !

Offline barman

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #53 on: March 17, 2013, 08:53 PM »
I haven't read any post in this topic because it's too long, but I'd like to point out that there had been a constructive discussion before these changes were decided on. So your protest is a bit too late :)
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Offline TheWalrus

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #54 on: March 17, 2013, 09:43 PM »
This thread is terrible.  If you want to stage a real protest, put the time and effort into creating a new league like MI has.  You can use whatever rules your heart desires.

Offline Anubis

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #55 on: March 17, 2013, 10:18 PM »
I think to successfully protest you actually need to play the schemes with the changes to reveal the negative effects compared to the old scheme rules. "I don't like it because it is new" is no constructive criticism, old scheme rules shouldn't have more rights, that's like saying I have more rights than most of the TUS players because I am older both in real life and in W:A. I will happily test these changes once they go live, see how they effect my experience and give feedback if it needs further tweaking or even roll back to the old scheme rules. And if I had to decide if my own personal fun is more important than the overall improvement of TUS I will gladly step back for a season and have them test the changes and/or adapt to it. I don't like Hyst, but I am willing to play it if I have no choice and can only try to reveal flaws in the scheme to convince more that it is no fun because of those flaws. That's just my opinion on this matter. :)

Edit: Typo in the Quotes. D:
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 10:41 PM by Anubis »

Offline NiCo`

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2013, 12:43 AM »
I dont agree too , because if the rules change in the next season only 10 players want for playing tus i think, I prefer that everything stays as this one

Offline Rogi

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2013, 02:25 AM »
Ohh... Everyone don't like any changes and everyone here says "i dont agree", "it sucks". >:( But did u something for tus by urself ?  Many schemes are disbalanced, and all know it, dont say that you never lose coz your oponent had luck... So, we must try to change schemes to good way.
Oldschool ? It's looks like 1000 old womans says about their good time...
 Sure, most easier play one shit for many times, than change something, sure, i too don't agree with something, but we just need to try
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calm the hell down.|

Offline avirex

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2013, 05:07 AM »
Maciej, you dont even know what your talking about...

your said things like the schemes have not been changed in 10 years, your wrong...

you also made comments about noobs having voting right, or something...  well, if thats the case i dont think you should have voting rights :D     but i dont believe in that, everyone should have equal rights...

as i said before, and let me say it again incase some of you did not read... when TUS was started, wooka uploaded his schemes and thats what everyone has been using as the default schemes.... do you think they are perfect? do you think they are the best schemes from a competitive stand point? can you honestly tell me that each scheme is league worthy, and has no flaws? i doubt it...

i know that it sucks to make changes in the 32nd season of an overall league, but it HAD to be done, and it was well over do... but its better late then never..

and i hope this is not the end of it, i hope after this experimental season, we continue to do it...

example: elite was perfect, and after this season we will know if rope knocking improve the scheme, or makes it worse. (i also think we should have an experimental season WITHOUT mines and barrels, they only add a luck factor to the scheme, i think we should try a season without them and then decide the best scheme)

we should experiment with each and every scheme, and really dissect  any problems, get down to the core of each scheme, and keep tweaking them until each scheme is really league worthy and ready for competition.   

for me, i would not care if it took 6 seasons of experimenting, it needs to be done.. and at the end i think we will all be much happier... but if you protesters dont feel the same way, then by all means go code your own league, and PM wooka, ask him for his schemes ;D   

sorry for long post, and GJ to monkeyisland and staff for taking this step, and not backing down from it!! keep it up

Offline Rogi

Re: Protest vs. Seasson 32
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2013, 05:19 AM »
i agree on 100%, avi  ;D
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calm the hell down.|