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Almost every shot in the target!

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met him in funner fort game. Is it cheat? notching? or some other hell? any ideas how he does it? he says it is calculations, he doesn't say how he does it, but told all to Virus.

and he said he use some sort of ruler

any kind of cheat against you is allowed.

any other question?  ;D


--- Quote from: Asbest on November 21, 2018, 09:44 PM ---met him in funner fort game. Is it cheat? notching? or some other hell? any ideas how he does it? he says it is calculations, he doesn't say how he does it, but told all to Virus.

and he said he use some sort of ruler

--- End quote ---
there was a notching ruler made by Mablak, also Gabriel made one, a few of the Italians used a notching ahk program like casso, impo had some sort of bng cheat but I don’t know exactly what it is. There is quite a bit of that out there, it is easy to tell when people notch.  I’ll take a look later and tell you when I’m home.

Dr Abegod:
He was of course using the TI-BnG-82. How dare you not mention this walrus.l

Yeah, he's notching, or just attempting to.  Most notching I've seen is top down from straight vertical, this is interesting because he uses arrows to get him true 45 degree, which isn't that hard without arrows.  The only shots he notches correctly on a consistent basis are 45 degree FP nade/petrol and full power blue wind.  He seemed completely unable to notch red wind, and inconsistent with middle blue winds.  He hits a few full power shots, but they seem more based on distance, he moves his worm to the same spot over and over again to get his distance right instead of adjusting with aim.  It is extremely crude notching that doesn't really work well for real situations, I could mop this guy up in BnG or hyst.  Fort is ideal for this sort of crappy notching, doesn't work anywhere else, honestly.

Many have notched better than this, he's not even that good at it.


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