Forums > Leagues General

the end is coming

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Mablak was gonna make missions speedrun but haven't heard from him in a while. So the current record holder is Pichi. Also I made deathmatch run. But there were no competitors so far...

Yeah Chicken the lack of competitors is a bit unfortunate, people are generally into speedruns though when it comes to records. I finished my speedrun months ago; I really can't think of further ways to optimize it. But I don't have a good enough laptop to actually record it without constant lag, so I haven't been running it like at all. Here's one run via replays though (not that great but shows the methods):

These replays are really amazing!

Can i use some of these replays to make clips out of them and then put onto my channel?

Mablak, go to AGDQ and they will record it for you ;D


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