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Ideas for TUS schemes

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May I suggest something for TUS website (not necessarily the app)? I think the scheme upload/editor could receive some new fields. There are many schemes which have completely blank description. This is not the ideal. I think some Scheme Setup fields would be good, because they would encourage players to put more information about the schemes. For example, a field with the number of worms, a field with the map requirements, a description and maybe a slot for map examples (download links). A section just for the rules of the scheme... Even sections for the history of the development of the scheme or the scheme tactics/tips would be good. Of course these fields don't need to be mandatory, but I believe at least people would think more about describing the scheme they made. Scheme making beginners don't know very well that many people will have no idea about the scheme if they don't write about it. Another thing I would like to know is the scheme image/icon ideal dimensions (this could be informed too). Maybe the text box could have a pre-written suggestion text to encourage people to write, but if they don't write anything, it would still be in blank.

OK I'll include those new fields for schemes.


--- Quote from: MonkeyIsland on April 13, 2021, 01:06 PM ---OK I'll include those new fields for schemes.

--- End quote ---


That would be amazing!

Other possible fields: scheme gif, scheme trailer/teaser video, inspirational schemes (influences), etc.

What is scheme gif? Same scheme image we already have? It doesn't support GIF images?
What are inspirational schemes? List of schemes that the new scheme was inspired by?

By the scheme gif I thought about like a banner image (animated or not) in addition to the scheme icon. The icon represents the scheme as a symbol, the banner would be like a concept image to people understand about the scheme with a blink of an eye. Afterall human beings are a species that is oriented mainly by the vision, like all species of our order: Primates. This banner image could also be simply a gif of an outstanding play of the scheme.


In my scheme Flat Earth Apocalypse I used the scheme icon and the "banner", the conceptual image.

In Driver scheme article, there is a gif of a play by Korydex and a conceptual image (but there is not a scheme icon)

In Space Cows TUS scheme page, TBikelis used the scheme icon and a banner image to display the ideal map of the scheme.

In SiD's Hoops, this gif shows exactly what the scheme is about (like a banner too)

The scheme sbs and I worked together and it is semi-released (the full release will arrive soon, with a better graphics map) called Drive for Weapons has a provisory scheme icon and two "banner" gifs

About the scheme teaser/trailer video, this one available in Rope Knocking TUS scheme page is a good example, but DumbBongChow was very good doing that too.

About the inspirational schemes, the idea is more for a good practice, since everybody inspires in already existing things to create a new one. Being clear which are your influences on creating schemes, avoid making people think you copied the idea of a scheme and tried to promote your scheme instead of giving credits to the previous similar idea. It is also good to understand how the schemes evolve around WormNET. For example, people keep accusing Kradie that he just copy ideas and change the name saying is something new, what I think it is not true. He does create a lot of variations, but they are not equal to the previous schemes. Here Kradie says he created Total Time Trial Rope Race based on Kaleu's Freemediate. That is a good practice. This may avoid people speculating and questioning the similarities between Drill Fly, Drill Flier and Darts scheme ( I created Jet Pack War based on Hysteria and Jet Pack War is not a variation of Hysteria in my opinion. I created Boom for Weapons based on Boom Race and Walk for Weapons.

Another thing I think it would be good is something BlameThePixel used to have: A field for the scheme authorship, this way we can know that the uploader of the scheme is not the scheme author. In this BTP page FoxyLady uploads GhostKnocking saying Garg0yle is the author (it seems Deadcode is a co-author as it is written on the wiki aricle). In TUS, people may think that Warg is the Author of Ghost Knocking: The same way I already thought that TOMT was the author of Goku Battle Arena, until I play with pavlepavle and discover that pavlepavle is the author (even though TOMT helped on the scheme and made a map), not only me thought TOMT was the author. I don't doubt that people may think that GreeN might be the author Hysteria due to this page, when the truth is that Run created it. The authorship is important to show people that schemes do not appear from nowhere, they exist because one or more people created them. Even Shopper has an author: Dogma. The other old schemes we just don't know who created them, but they were developed due to players effort. So schemes are always being created and are always evolving in worms. I don't understand why people only play the same schemes, when this game has so many possibilities... And TUS is a platform that provides a lot of these possibilities.


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