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Messages - skunk3

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Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: January 01, 2021, 04:32 AM »

You can downplay your past trespasses within this forum all you want but we know the truth, lol. I am not saying that you're hated or even wholly unlikable (you're actually okay when you're not being a twat); but rather, you are well-known for getting into retarded pissing contests with people and arguing the dumbest shit like you're training for the 'beat a dead horse' Olympic games. You'll also have to forgive me for assuming that you're full of shit regarding your claim about losing many in-game friends due to perceived toxicity from others. Maybe I am being too presumptuous here but we have easy mute functions built into the game, which leads me to believe that nobody would have to endure anything they don't WANT to endure. Am I wrong? Also, if someone reads something 'offensive' they don't have to internalize it or make it personal. I guess you could say that I have a lack of empathy in this regard but I fail to see how anyone could be so triggered by some silly shit they read in game chat. If they are that sensitive they should know that online gaming is full of this sort of behavior, and to avoid online gaming. The weak ones need to stay away rather than forcing censorship and prescribed speech upon everyone else.

I also never said that WA is unique in the regard that it is a long-running game. However, you being you decide to do more of that janky verbal aikido you're so fond of - elevating yourself while simultaneously looking down on someone else in one swift action. (Calling me ignorant, uneducated, etc.) I am well f@#!ing aware that other old game communities exist. WA isn't the only community I am a part of.

I called you a SJW because you're acting like a perfect example of a stereotypical SJW, and I find that sort of behavior obnoxious - even more obnoxious than someone being "toxic" because I know that *most* of the time the so-called toxic player is just saying things they don't really mean to elicit a reaction and wouldn't actually wish harm upon anyone IRL. Most toxic players are also not preaching all of the time. You clearly cannot see your own hypocrisy on this issue because you talk about how you can discuss anything and how you have thick skin, yet you also advocate for the elimination of sociopolitical talk on this forum. If your skin was really as thick as you think it is, you wouldn't care. You wouldn't be engaging in this. It's also in an off-topic subforum which you don't need to check, and if you do check it, you don't have to click on the topic that you think might trigger you, you don't have to read the responses in each thread, etc. Hell, you don't even HAVE TO visit this site to enjoy the game... and don't even try to make the argument that seeing threads like this could possibly put off potential players, because that's very f@#!ing unlikely and we all know it. We aren't going to see an explosion of activity any time soon, if ever.

I personally have no issue with the discussion of any and all topics here and I think that all opinions are equally welcome. If I see discussion or an opinion I don't like I'll either ignore it or explain why I think it sucks, but you won't see me calling for the removal or censorship of anything unless someone gets doxed, etc.

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: December 29, 2020, 02:05 AM »
A friend of mine caught COVID earlier this year. She spent months quarantined in her room, bedridden. She did not have the strength to stand, she would sleep for hours on end, sometimes days at a time. After about five or six months, she was finally declared COVID-free. But it hasn't stopped there. She's had issues with circulation, with her lungs, with her heart. SHe's dealing with chronic fatigue, symptoms that are not dissimilar to fibromyalgia. She went to work for a couple of weeks, but had to stop because she could not stand on her own feet anymore.

COVID-19 isn't just about the survival rate. It's not "just a cold" - the effects linger in ways we still don't fully understand.

Anyone who reduces the disease to a survival rate percentage - especially with the number of deaths, which is being woefully under-reported - is misinformed at best. At worst, they're being intellectually dishonest. If it's the former, the good news is that organizations like WHO and the CDC can correct your misinformation.

If it's the latter, though? f@#! you. I hope you catch the worst possible form of this damned thing so you can experience for yourself just how unlike the flu it is.

I am well aware of all of this. The actual effects vary so wildly from person to person and I totally agree that we probably don't fully understand the virus yet. However, is it worth all of the lockdown and restrictions? Is it worth destroying our economy and way of life to protect us from a virus that barely affects most people who get it? A lot of people are asymptomatic entirely. Is it worth it? I say no. This is an economic holocaust and it needs to stop now.

It's possible your friend has some pre-existing condition. It shouldn't take 5 or 6 months for an otherwise healthy, young individual to fight off Covid.

Also, you think deaths are being UNDER-reported? lol... ok. Maybe where you live.

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: December 29, 2020, 01:40 AM »
This sub-forum is literally called "off topic" so why would sociopolitical issues not be allowed here? That's idiotic.

Look at my post count. Am I really going out of my way to provoke or troll people on a regular basis? No. Komo, you're just demonizing people who don't agree with you. In case you or anyone else has forgotten, you are by far the biggest laughingstock on TUS. Look at your post count and think about all of the dumb shit you have said over the years and all of the dumb arguments you have gotten into and owned in. You're always looking to throw anyone you can under the bus and to point fingers. I've definitely said some provocative things on this site, mostly just to stir up some sort of activity because this community is on life support and most of the coolest players are long gone. I know how easy it is to provoke many of you, and that's why I do it - cheap laughs.

It's weird how I cannot remember anyone at all complaining about sexism or racism until just a few years ago when all of this social justice warrior nonsense started taking off. In fact, a great many people participated in it because years ago people understood that this is the internet and people are just acting silly. People knew not to get butthurt about each and every thing and act like some sort of moral exemplar because that shit is unwanted by anyone. As far as toxicity goes, that's entirely subjective and I reserve judgment in all cases.

I think it's weird that people act like these sorts of issues are unique to WA, or new. NOTHING HAS CHANGED and virtually all gaming communities have similar issues. If anyone actually thinks that the small amount of racist/sexist/whatever discussion in WA is the reason why this game is low in activity, they're laughably naive. The reason why activity is low is quite simple - it's nearly 2021 and this game came out in 1999. It's also a very particular sort of genre which isn't massively popular to begin with. The current popularity / activity of WA has absolutely f@#! ALL to do with player behavior UNLESS we are talking about impatient people who are unwilling to explain game rules to noobs and just kick them. THAT actually does put a lot of people off... not conversations about race or fat chicks or trannies or whatever.

Basically, what Komo is suggesting is that we ban any and all talk of subjects that triggers him, and ban / censor anyone he doesn't agree with. Just read his words. That's exactly what he wants. Well, the world isn't a safe space, snowflake. People disagree and we don't have to see eye-to-eye. Censorship is not the answer to any of these issues. Civil discourse is. No finger-pointing, no vitriol, no self-righteous and sanctimonious tirades. (I'm looking at you, Komo.)

Anyway, back on topic -

I personally will not be taking the vaccine until further testing has been done because I've already seen numerous reports of people being stricken with Bell's palsy after being vaccinated, becoming horribly sick, weak, fainting, etc. Nobody can say it is "low risk" yet because the research just isn't there. I am not a science denier by any means. All I am saying is that it is foolish to put ANYTHING in one's body unless you are damn sure what it will / can do to you. If you want to be at the front of the line to get vaccinated, by all means... be my guest. I'll wait until I am absolutely certain it's harmless.

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:24 PM »
How is my claim "outlandish" when we had all kinds of evidence towards the beginning of this epidemic of prominent scientists/virologists stating that it is fact manmade? Instead, we are to trust who, exactly? (Maybe those original scientists recanted their statements?) The fact of the matter is that I could not possibly know for myself the truth of the situation, either way. I know that if I were to take the time to actually do some Google searching (which I won't, by the way, because I am not invested in the topic and don't give a shit about 'winning.') I am certain that I can find evidence both for and against the notion that it is man-made. It's entirely possible it is 100% naturally-occurring. I haven't followed this matter in months, to be honest, not since the Dr. Li story first broke.

As far as I am concerned, China is at the very least responsible for allowing their society to be ripe for the conditions for these new viruses to spread. This isn't the first time some f@#!ed-up illness spread from there, if it did. China sucks in general in so many ways and I say f@#! them.

The primary reason why I believe the pandemic was planned is because it was predicted and simulated on video a full year before it was identified anywhere (feel free to look up Event 201 on YouTube... it's all there), and many of the shitbag 'usual players' were a part of the simulation. It was also widespread in the U.S. well before it was even reported in the news at all, and by the time it hit the news it was already nationwide. Combine that with population plans, Agenda 21, Event 201, WSB, China's tightening grip on the world, and myriad other factors and it wouldn't be surprising at all (to me, at least) to know that it was deliberate. Conspiracy theories seem silly to people who don't know much about them, and I admit there's a lot of complete bullshit involved in many of them. However, the more you study and the more you learn the more you can begin to connect the dots, and see the patterns. Unfortunately, conspiracy theories are just one of those things that people have to invest a very significant amount of time into and most people refuse to from the start because of the cognitive dissonance and stigma, so they just laugh and dismiss that sort of stuff almost as reflex. I used to be absolutely obsessed with conspiracies a long time ago but these days but I gave up keeping up on them nearly as much because it's SO much work and just makes you feel paranoid as f@#! and angry all of the time.

Anyhow, at this point all I really care about is eradicating it as much as possible and getting life back to normal ASAP to minimize the economic fallout.

Oh, and the word on the conspiracy grapevine is that Covid21 is gonna be a real thing and so much worse than Covid19 and that it will bring about massive social changes. Hopefully that's a load of bullshit too but basically it's more endgame, globalist speculation.

Off Topic / Re: Things you Love/Hate in your Country.
« on: December 27, 2020, 02:26 AM »

-always developing technology

-citizens are more and more dependent upon technology

 :D ;D :D ;D :D

What can I say? Technology is good - dependency upon technology isn't.

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: December 27, 2020, 02:20 AM »
It pisses me off that the fact that this virus is man made is not discussed. This isn't some random flulike illness... it's a weapon.

Since it's a "fact", can you share evidence of this? Otherwise it is merely a personal opinion of yours.

I'm not saying you are wrong, and i'm not saying you are right, I do my own research and have my own beliefs, but usually when people make bold statements like that, at least with issues that affect the entire world, they tend to try and back it up with something credible.

There's numerous scientists around the world who have analyzed the virus and shown clear evidence of insertions, deletions, and manipulation of the DNA. According to them there's no way it is naturally-occurring. I don't exactly have links bookmarked for ease of sharing but it's out there if you care to look. There's also the testimony of that female scientist who was working at the lab in Wuhan, and that's pretty damning. The problem when it comes to offering any sort of statement about shit like this is someone invariably always asks for proof, and as I said before, I don't keep a folder on my computer full of proof, or a folder of links in my bookmarks to pull out anytime someone challenges me.

It always cracks me up when people offhandedly dismiss anything that doesn't fit the media narrative as 'conspiracy theory' when time and time again things turn out to be real. It's like... how many times do conspiracy theories need to be proven true before people start distrusting the media and the government? People think Alex Jones is a kook (and he kinda is lol) but he's also been 100% right on the money when it comes to several things over the years. That's a more extreme example of a public figure but suffice it to say that conspiracy theory has turned out to be conspiracy fact so many times that it's hard not to believe a lot of astonishing things, especially when the sources happen to be extremely reputable, and especially when you actually learn the history of how and why information is occult, compartmentalized, and disseminated.

The problem with topics like this is that we all kinda do our own 'homework' (so to speak) but unless we take the time to actually collate and present the information (with sources) in an informative and easy-to-follow way, people are naturally going to assume that the other person is full of shit because of cognitive dissonance. That's just how it works. Trying to convince anyone of anything is almost impossible, especially adults. Basically, unless you can bust out a Powerpoint presentation any time the need arises, you might as well just not even bother because people who have studied the subject far less than you for far less time than you are going to laugh and call you ignorant or crazy.

If you actually trust the media and the government (or even think that the 'government' are who actually run the show), you're asleep.

Off Topic / Re: Investiments on Stocks!!!
« on: December 27, 2020, 02:07 AM »
Random stocks in weed-based companies, some pharmaceutical stuff, minerals mining, etc. Not much. It's only like $500 worth of stocks at most. I think that playing the stock market isn't worth it unless you REALLY know what you are doing and also if you REALLY pay attention to it constantly, otherwise you can just as easily lose money as make money. At the moment I'd rather put my money in Bitcoin since that shit is exploding. Stock-wise I'd put my money into companies that are obviously not going to go anywhere, like the companies that own the various Google properties, like Alphabet. Overall though I think it's best to just save up as much money as you can and then talk to a bank about getting a loan and buying a house / property. Property is almost guaranteed to go up in value over time since there is a finite amount of it. It's all about appreciating vs. depreciating assets.

Off Topic / Re: Investiments on Stocks!!!
« on: December 25, 2020, 09:30 AM »
I own small amounts of stocks but I have no idea what I am doing. It seems like a risky investment most of the time unless you 100% know what you are doing, when to buy and sell, etc. My advice if you want wealth is to save all of your money and buy land. That's what long term money comes from. If I wasn't a broke ass bum I'd buy all the land I could.

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: December 25, 2020, 08:59 AM »
I will only get vaccinated if there are reputable, long term studies showing that it is both safe and effective. I've seen what is in the vaccine and for now I say no thanks! I don't want some mystery vaccine f@#!ing up my DNA. The flu vaccine is just about worthless as far as I'm concerned. I've taken it twice and got sick both times afterwards.

I don't know a good solution to all of this. I hate masks, hate lockdown, and want to go back to normal life. I do think that Covid is a real and serious issue but I also do think that the media scare is overblown and it's not as deadly as they are making it out to be. I fear for the economic security of my own city and nation because this pandemic is destroying local businesses at record rates. I consider myself blessed that I have a job and have worked through the entire ordeal without having to go on unemployment.

I try not to buy into the conspiracy side of this situation too much but it's hard not to think about tbh. I also say that China f@#!ing sucks and is obviously behind all of this. It pisses me off that the fact that this virus is man made is not discussed. This isn't some random flulike illness... it's a weapon.

I will also say this: I do not know 100% for sure but I feel like my lungs are kinda f@#!ed up since getting covid.

Off Topic / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 25, 2020, 08:28 AM »
Several months ago.

Off Topic / Re: Things you Love/Hate in your Country.
« on: December 25, 2020, 08:25 AM »

-wide variety of landscapes
-wide variety of climates
-more freedom compared to most places
-great music culture and history
-great TV/movie culture and history
-wide variety of food options, and big portions of food
-adventurous people
-mostly friendly people
-many great breweries and distilleries
-freedom to own and use guns
-most people are of mixed ancestry
-most goods and services are of decent quality
-legal driving age of 16
-convenient and reliable access to most goods and services
-lower tax rates than many parts of the world
-always developing technology
-no mandatory military service

-corrupt government
-social justice warrior mindsets increasing
-lying media
-citizens are more and more dependent upon technology
-early history of slavery
-young nation
-public transportation sucks or is non-existent in most places aside from large cities
-tech sector spying on citizens
-shadow government
-university and health care cost a fortune
-legal drinking age of 21
-the welfare system enables and even encourages people to be lazy, stupid pieces of shit who reproduce
-gradual loss of regional, cultural identities via tv/internet
-massive military and military spending
-imperialistic and always involved in something
-earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes
-pollution in larger cities
-fast food restaurants everywhere encouraging you to eat unhealthy food
-temperature extremes from very cold to very hot
-very fast-paced
-people tend to be loud compared to other countries
-Americans tend to not think of the rest of the world much
-extremely capitalistic
-massive wealth inequality
-different cities and states have different taxes and the listed price of an item never includes tax
-less days off from work and less maternity/paternity leave and benefits than many places
-insurance companies and their scams

Off Topic / Merry Christmas
« on: December 25, 2020, 01:44 AM »
Merry Christmas all. Thanks for another year of good times and memories.

General discussion / Re: Who has played WA the most?
« on: December 25, 2020, 01:31 AM »
I have no way of knowing how many hours I've played. I've had some breaks here and there like many people but I'd say I have easily ~15k hours into WA if I were to guess... or more. I have almost 2,000 hours invested in the Steam version of WA and I bought the game on Steam WAY after my truly active days where I was obsessed... From launch until ~2007 or so I bet I played a *bare minimum* of 5 days a week, for 3-4 hours a day, and realistically speaking I bet most days I played way more than that, and I know I went long stretches of time in which I played every single day.

Other worms games / Re: Worms Rumble
« on: November 21, 2020, 08:41 PM »
I participated in the beta for Rumble and while it's not my cup of tea, it's not a bad game. It definitely isn't Worms though; and that's why people are so pissed off by it. Rumble, at its core, is just a mindless arena action game played in 2D that will probably be entertaining for a lot of people. Some of the mechanics are very confusing at first. I won't be buying it unless it goes on sale very cheap and is shown to have an active player base.

General discussion / Re: Good Guides for New Players?
« on: November 03, 2020, 04:35 AM »
I haven't seen a warmer hosted in months. T17 is pretty damn rare nowadays.

Based upon my own personal experience, I'd say that intermediate is by far the most commonly-hosted scheme. Aside from that, shopper, wxw, mole shopper, and supersheeper (puzzlingly) seem to be most common.

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