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Messages - CyberShadow

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General discussion / Quick reminder: This is just a game, yeah?
« on: November 20, 2016, 02:53 PM »
Hi all,

I've been contacted today by a family member of a fellow Worms player. The player in question has been spending a lot of time playing the game, as well as participating in competitive events, up to the point where it began to affect their health and personal life, ending with an unfortunate situation.

So, I'd like to ask all of you to keep in mind that there are many, many things that are much more important than some 1999 video game about worms. Your health and family come foremost. Also, remember that every hour you play video games, including Worms Armageddon, is one hour you could have spent doing something productive or improving yourself (fitness, skills, career, etc.).

Additionally, as ESRB puts it... "Game Experience May Change During Online Play". Our community is generally nice, but can often be abrasive and unfortunately sometimes even vindictive and harsh. As much as I wish it could improve, there is little I can do about human nature.

It may not be easy to realize the full spectrum of outcomes from our decisions. Right now there are almost no limits on who can play online and no filters on what they can say once in-game, so it's not possible to predict what kind of person you will play against tomorrow. So, if you feel like playing online, or entering an event, might affect you or your life in a negative way, please just don't do it. It's not worth it, and there are better ways to fill your time.

And everyone else, please remember that the people behind the screen are also fellow humans, and might be more sensitive to some words or actions than others. Some people are more susceptible, some people may not realize when it's time to stop. It may not be easy when the other person is just some pixels on a screen, but please try to keep an element of humility and compassion in your online interactions.

Thank you.

General discussion / Cheat spam
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:40 PM »
Hi everyone,

By now everyone has probably heard of (and been annoyed by) the recent occurrences.

It is unfortunate that we have to waste time and energy dealing with someone's childish temper tantrum trying to undermine our community, but I do want to say without going into too much detail that you can be sure we're doing our best to deal with this situation as it develops.

Additionally, I'd like to give a word of warning: don't click on or download any unsolicited links or files, even just out of curiosity or to test things, or you may find yourself permanently banned from many things related to W:A.

Stay vigilant.

Tech Support / Re: screen turns 45 degrees, and goes black :XX
« on: November 18, 2016, 07:26 AM »
Perhaps disable the hotkeys, then?

General discussion / Re: HostingBuddy updated
« on: October 23, 2016, 12:51 PM »
I have two suggestions for HB improvements:

-Holes on mole shopper maps hosted with HB do not seem to be randomized correctly. Without testing exhaustively I think they are always the same.

-If possible please display map dimensions in green text along with the other info (# colors, holes etc).


Added, please try it. You can change the hole seed with "!seed hole random" followed by a "!reload".

It's a victim of the server move, started long ago :)

The code was a huge mess, and I've already started writing a replacement.

I'm finally moving everything that was still on the old server to the new server. Lex's site should continue working fine, though there may be minor service interruptions with other sites (WKB etc.). Feel free to let me know if something is broken for longer than 5 minutes :)

Tech Support / Re: Gravity / Speed MESSED UP
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:29 PM »
Here's a list of WxW bit maps: (copy-paste the whole url, forum BBC has trouble with brackets inside urls)
There's always percent-encoding:;maptype%5B%5D=bit

Tech Support / Re: Gravity / Speed MESSED UP
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:19 PM »
As others have mentioned, it's probably not the gravity. There is no game setting to control gravity that I'm aware of (except the Low Gravity utility). A related setting would be a TestStuff mode, which "doubles the maximum speed for roping and jetpacking, and abolishes the speed limit for projectile motion". It's also possible a WormKit module (RubberWorm) is interpreting some scheme settings in an odd way.

I suggest performing a series of blind experiments to confirm that the effect is not placebo. You mentioned you're a developer; you could write a script to randomly set up a game setting which, according to your hypothesis, should or should not manifest the effect. You should not know which one it is until after you've determined it for yourself by testing the selected game setting. If you can consistently guess the randomly-selected setting, then you may be on to something.

Tech Support / Re: How to reduce mobile data usage playing W:A?
« on: October 29, 2015, 04:13 PM »
Playing W:A online should use negligible amount of data except for color maps. Its' entirely plausible for color maps to use a lot of data, especially if the host is e.g. spamming !map. You can use very little data if you host games yourself and never use color maps.

TUS is pretty resource-heavy - the default theme loads many images, and people post a lot of large images or .GIF files in the shoutbox, and in their signatures and avatars (guilty as changed). You can disable those TUS features to use less data.

That said, it still shouldn't add up to 500 MB. It's possible something else is eating your data, so I'd follow Tomi's advice.

Announcements / Re: HostingBuddy and TUS got connected!
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:52 PM »
this is how hb is connected with tus, by big border and f@#!ed up my mind or smt

I looked into this, and the run-down is "the map is broken, W:A doesn't care".

Long explanation:

This particular map was saved in BITMonkey, as you can see by looking at the map in a hex editor. BIT Monkey likes to advertise itself so much that it uses the first 12 bytes to show everyone what program the map was made in. Problem: the last 4 of those 12 bytes are actually used to indicate whether the map is a cavern (has a roof at the top) or not. Since those bytes are not zero, W:A will think this is a cavern level.

Now, you will not notice the effect of this if you simply load the map in the W:A map editor. This is because W:A will do some heuristics to determine if the map should have a roof or not (the map setting to change toggle the roof was added relatively recently). However, this doesn't happen if the map is received over the network.

I've now added some code to HB to detect BitMonkey maps and pretend they're not cavern. Reimplementing W:A's heuristics in HB is impossible, because that would involve decoding the .BIT map (not possible because this requires using a proprietary 32-bit Windows DLL, while HB is a 64-bit Linux program).

BTW, you can now also use the tools texture on HB.

Tech Support / Re: I can not go to WormNET
« on: October 11, 2015, 04:53 PM »

Do you still have problems connecting to WormNET?

None of the DNSBLs that WormNET uses have active listings for your IP.

General discussion / Re: HostingBuddy updated
« on: October 08, 2015, 04:43 PM »
I've added a new !url command, which works similarly to W:A's built-it /url command. This command is accessible to all players, and will print the wa:// URL needed to join the game. The game has to be open for it to work, of course. Unlike /url, you will need to select and copy (with Ctrl+C) the URL manually.

Tech Support / Re: Problems hosting with wormnat2
« on: September 28, 2015, 10:09 PM »
Actually the fix might take a while to take effect...
OK, it's in effect.

Tech Support / Re: Problems hosting with wormnat2
« on: September 28, 2015, 08:41 PM »
Actually the fix might take a while to take effect...

Tech Support / Re: Problems hosting with wormnat2
« on: September 28, 2015, 08:31 PM »
I found the problem, it was on my side. Surprising that you were the first one to run into the problem. Should be fixed now.

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