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Messages - Kradie

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Maps Comments / Map #18912, Sweet CC by SIBASA
« on: October 06, 2021, 02:05 AM »
This is awesome! Great job and thank you :)

Chaos Collect is a different idea, it is original enough idea. Asteroid Dodge Race is almost the same as Comet Dodging Race by TMC. You also created months ago a roper-like scheme with girder very similar to a TMC scheme called BuildConv.

Most of your schemes are variations of existing schemes and you don't mention the schemes sometimes. Imagine if someone create now a scheme that has only zook and rope and is played on a cave map instead of a standard roper map and this person doesn't mention ZaR. The scheme name being something completely different like "no safety" and ignoring ZaR schemes. Wouldn't you complain or feel that this person could have credited ZaR? I would feel uncomfortable seeing someone posting a scheme 90% similar to mine without mentioning my scheme.

_Well when you put it like that it makes sense and I can understand and sympathize with TMC. However, if someone did make CaveZaR (how you described it), and changed name I would point out it as rebranding. But I could rebrand ADR to CDR 2 though, not so sure about Girder Shopper.

CDR you don't pass through checkpoints, settings are a bit different, and the map is super wide which makes Armageddon's density Ineffektive and less chaotic.  Plus there are rest pads? Or checkpoints? The map in replay, you can basically risk flying over.. The checkpoints in my version forces players to clear them before touching finish. The map is small, and there's more friction for worms. I do acknowledge he released scheme first, but I can confess to myself my version is slightly more refined and added tasks that makes it a bit different or more complete.

His version of BuildConv is actually an revitalized Idea from the past where I and pavlepavle tested Girder ZaR. I am not saying he took it or anything, most likely it was just convenience. Point is is that my version ''Girder Shopper'' (GS), is much different from TMC's version. As the name applies Girder Shopper, you play on empty map, first turn girder pack, second turn and out place 1 girder, collect 1 crate (spawns more), and attack. Plus there is sudden death with water rise. It makes for a secondary game phase/mode  and tactics changes drastically. So I don't see how they are that similar, just another version, a more Interesting version but that alone is a different topic anyway.

PoC is not a monopoly. Every new scheme made is based on previous ideas. You have the right to create any scheme you want, but the point is that searching if someone created already a scheme is always better than releasing something very similar without crediting the previous one.
You know know that I do not go to other external sites to look up other people's schemes, just here on TUS I do this.

It might not be your intention, but people may think this, since you did at least 2 schemes very similar to the ones by TheMadCharles.
Similar? Is that a problem? ZaR is similar to Roper and W2Roper, but none are complaining, perhaps some used to, even now? But It persisted through passion for the scheme throughout the years and was flourished as a result. If people start to point fingers on every new things, shouting in chords in the name of theft and deceit, there will be no possibility of expansion, no greatness and no revitalization of the scheme, even if it is in a better or worse condition. I bet you know tons of schemes that are unique and original, but has been forgotten and abandoned, but deserves more. If one day I come up with an Idea similar to those, You would only repeat the finger pointing I am guessing.

 This to me seem like a battle of ego than to provide a complete scheme experience to the public. 

Don't you worry, you and TMC will get all the accolades and fanfares but not for Chaos Collect because there is barely any resemblance to CDR except Jet + Activating Armageddon. However if you can sit there, explain the difference, and defend TMC honor I am all ear.

Maps / Re: Requests to create maps.
« on: October 03, 2021, 06:32 PM »
Sometimes I like to create maps in my spare time, but at the same time it will be cool if I become useful to someone.

In this thread, you can write your desires on which scheme to make a map? I, or another creative person who sees your request, will probably create such a map.
I would like to request a map for Chaos Collect (CC).

The map should reflect the chaos of the scheme in stylish and yet simplistic style, perhaps in blue, red, firing matter. The design could be of multiple vertical and horizontal lines. Vertical lines could help the bounciness of the jetpack.

I attached replay of a game here with a simple map. Remember that Armageddon need access to hit worms on map :P

Edit: Make sure there can be a version with some small vertical lines at bottom to reduce massive crate hording. Check second replay file.

Edit 2: IF you want to add objects to it, make sure they are very small. To big can stop the Armageddon's obstruction.

ergh, not really, we (as PoC) really got to the point where attempting to brainstorm everything makes us think that every time we think of a new concept, we are actually replicating a more well-known scheme, and we got there at 3721 times

I'm sure FoxHound and/or STRGRN will be able to elaborate on this further
You do realize there are tons of variation of many schemes such of Roping schemes? Shopper and Roper are prime examples. I hear no one complaining and pointing fingers where a new Shopper scheme releases. These variation can be applied to real life too such as races: Running, obstacle course, car race, motorcycle race, and more. Heck even most consumer goods people buy from day to day is a variation of something and I hear no one rising up to the occasion and claim it was theirs. Plus Asteroid Dodge Race is like an obstacle course, not your typical race.

I think maybe that PoC sees themselves as sole authority of new and old schemes, and how they are distributed. I see myself as a passionate player who tries at times to make something new and exciting for the game, but later to learn it had a copyright by Monopoly of Schemes PoC. Should people consult the PoC community per Ideas people may have before attempting to put it together without the fear of plagiarism? Because I certainly don't want to waste my time, I just rather make good schemes for people to enjoy, and if they get popular then that's super awesome.

Now I see Korydex ALT+F4, very similar to my own Lucky Strike and Active Strike, and I made a comment there for laughs but no one cares. Because no one should care at the end of the day.

Let's just say that we are starting to run out of possible combinations
Everything with Armageddon and Jet isn't copyrighted to TMC. ADR is different and more frantic and fun. Do I need to state the obvious?`
Also, I have Included your scheme on this page, no need for this sort of behavior.

I have taken the liberty to update the scheme page for this scheme. Please read thank you.

Schemes Comments / Re: Scheme #4124, Alt-F4 submitted by Korydex
« on: October 02, 2021, 01:59 PM »
I thought about this when I made Lucky Strike but never made it HAH! XD This look like Lucky F :D

what if the dots are colors or little numbers instead, so the jetpack has a road to follow while avoiding the explosions?
Very Interesting Idea. Like star constellation! Starry maps, follow a path :) But... To avoid meteors and their explosion is unavoidable and that's the Idea. It is a luck-based scheme.

I never used WMDB, I am strictly a TUS man only. I did search for comet dodging here on TUS scheme with extreme eagerness and believe it or not I did not find any. However now that I have done another search and I have found the scheme by TMC and I was shocked. If I knew this I would probably not have made THIS. If TMC and TMC's sympathizer feel robbed by the CDR Idea I am sorry IT was not the Intent.

But on the bright side, this is anther variation of CDR and I will probably think of a new name approprierte to this version. We should also be happy that this scheme is revitalized too because it is a joy at times to play.

Also as I mentioned on scheme page here, I did play something similar I tested out with rubberworm back in 2016 but shot it down fast.

Why the dotted map though? Don't you think it would work better if there were only start/finish and the middle was just empty space?
It was a direct Inspiration of Comet Dodging scheme, and I think the dots provide a sense of obstacle to maneuver around, plus the damage radius from the comet hitting the dots can push worms off. Although the dots aren't necessary for the scheme. though, I have played an open map with a couple of checkpoints and it works well too.

I have tried big map and super wide map of 696x10400 but it is not the same because the Armageddon becomes less concentrated and more divided. This results in less risk, excitement and reward.  If however someone could be clever enough to make something that could work at a slightly bigger res than the standard one I am all for it.

Also the checkpoints are there to provide a sense of urgency to complete before finishing the map. Otherwise people could just fly over and under the map.

Thanks people for casting your excitement on this. I just want this to be perfect for everyone :)

Off Topic / Re: Beach Boys fans post here!
« on: September 29, 2021, 06:47 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Beach Boys fans post here!
« on: September 29, 2021, 01:52 PM »
Probably late to the party... Ahhh so it Was Sir-J who aliased in the league.... ::)

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1133, Trio Roper Cup!
« on: September 28, 2021, 06:07 PM »
Great progress so far. Please reach out to your fellow participants to schedule time to finish remaining games.

They are on TUS, may be in AG or on a discord server.

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