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Author Topic: sm0k's video - FR  (Read 12966 times)

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Offline Maciej

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #120 on: August 09, 2011, 10:14 PM »
wow Orange, can't believe how you lie, 2 and half years ago I probably roped on 1 space yet (I started fr in february 2008, but I used to play it on one space for first few months), I didn't even know AHK then yet, I am not good programmer (I wouldn't be able to make such a script) and I didn't know you yet then.

It's really sad you lie like that, and don't know really why, it's not any reason if you don't like me, I lost all the respect to you.

edit: or you just confused me with MsC? I know some ppl did.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 10:16 PM by Maciej »

Offline sock

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #121 on: August 09, 2011, 10:20 PM »
lmfao maciej and his war against cheaters makes me f@#!ing laugh sooo much. Do u guys wanna know why? Read this:

Loooong time ago (2 years and half i guess) I can clearly remember that one day I was looking for a way to make my 2 spaces taps faster. So i thougt about the thing that avoids the tap of the 2nd key if 1st is still pressed down. I was playing wxw's with maciej sometimes, and i knew he could handle programming well coz he told me during a game. So i asked him if there could be a way to avoid that "lock" with 2 spaces. He made me download autohotkey and tried to write a script. He got very interested at my idea and seemed very excited. I was simply curious about the possibilities of WA, i didnt care about cheats, taps, or stuff (after a while i changed my roping style from 2 spaces to 1 finger, and i still tap like that). Well, maciej told me he would make me know if he could write down a script that could work, and showed me some scripts that worked similar. Later I lost contacts with him, but i can clearly remember this story.

So that's why that weird guy makes me so f@#!ing laugh. I really think he's a false person and he's only driven by his anger. (Is he fat or something?)

Maybe he was also "simply curious about the possibilities of WA" like you were...


Offline Maciej

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #122 on: August 09, 2011, 10:28 PM »
come on, he lies to make me cheater (what MI can check)
Time ago I even claimed 2 spaces is cheat (Guaton can support if I remember well), how could I create cheating scripts while I'm not even able to?
about miss this space lock I got to know after we found Sniper cheats, I was surprised that ppl developed something like this.
The Orange story is just bogused from the start to the end.

Anyway, feel free to check my all replays, here, and even from WO from 2008 year (I guess they are still saved), I have never cheat, I have never used anything other than simply keychanger or remapkey (I used remapkey to change win key, because KC can't make it)

Offline OrangE

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #123 on: August 09, 2011, 10:40 PM »
I have VERY good memory maciej. I remember it was you, and all I said is simply the truth.

Offline OrangE

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #124 on: August 09, 2011, 10:42 PM »
lmfao maciej and his war against cheaters makes me f@#!ing laugh sooo much. Do u guys wanna know why? Read this:

Loooong time ago (2 years and half i guess) I can clearly remember that one day I was looking for a way to make my 2 spaces taps faster. So i thougt about the thing that avoids the tap of the 2nd key if 1st is still pressed down. I was playing wxw's with maciej sometimes, and i knew he could handle programming well coz he told me during a game. So i asked him if there could be a way to avoid that "lock" with 2 spaces. He made me download autohotkey and tried to write a script. He got very interested at my idea and seemed very excited. I was simply curious about the possibilities of WA, i didnt care about cheats, taps, or stuff (after a while i changed my roping style from 2 spaces to 1 finger, and i still tap like that). Well, maciej told me he would make me know if he could write down a script that could work, and showed me some scripts that worked similar. Later I lost contacts with him, but i can clearly remember this story.

So that's why that weird guy makes me so f@#!ing laugh. I really think he's a false person and he's only driven by his anger. (Is he fat or something?)

Maybe he was also "simply curious about the possibilities of WA" like you were...


Yeah, maybe. But a guy that was used to write scripts and stuff shouldnt act like the white knight and accuse people around just to pour out his anger.

Offline ANO

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #125 on: August 09, 2011, 10:53 PM »
wow, macjiei, yu change clan every week..i've just looked at yr tag

Offline Maciej

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #126 on: August 09, 2011, 10:56 PM »
all you already wrote is lie. It's of course hard to proof it's lie, because everybody can bogus such a story, but it's impossible to proof it's truth, as it has never happened.

really poor try, but what a nit you must be, to bogus such a things and lie everybody's here...

Offline OrangE

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #127 on: August 10, 2011, 12:13 AM »
all you already wrote is lie. It's of course hard to proof it's lie, because everybody can bogus such a story, but it's impossible to proof it's truth, as it has never happened.

really poor try, but what a nit you must be, to bogus such a things and lie everybody's here...

ye of course its hard to proof it's truth. i only can say i'm quite sure that happened. i dont care if u keep saying it's a lie.. we all know that your attitude is very poor, i never had to argue with anyone so this should mean something...

btw keep saying i'm a liar, i will keep saying you are a false person..

have fun

Offline Devilage

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #128 on: August 10, 2011, 01:35 AM »
so much shit around, stop accusing ppl of cheating if u dont have proofs imo

Smoking proud.

Offline avirex

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #129 on: August 10, 2011, 04:59 AM »
how does it seem like ropa is owning anyone? i think he is confused on what the program does, because it most definitely enhances someones roping.

and yeah anubis, the way i worded it would mean remapping keys is cheating... but c'mon, you know what i meant...

programs used to enhance your ability... such as bypassing space timing... thats cheating, and thats why they are banned.

im not even sure why this is still being discussed, people got banned for good reason, and i hope it sends a message to all the other cheaters out there.

Offline ANO

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #130 on: August 10, 2011, 10:25 AM »
this discussion is going nowhere, since almost 3 pages.

this is cheat

Offline Anubis

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #131 on: August 10, 2011, 07:28 PM »
how does it seem like ropa is owning anyone? i think he is confused on what the program does, because it most definitely enhances someones roping.

and yeah anubis, the way i worded it would mean remapping keys is cheating... but c'mon, you know what i meant...

programs used to enhance your ability... such as bypassing space timing... thats cheating, and thats why they are banned.

im not even sure why this is still being discussed, people got banned for good reason, and i hope it sends a message to all the other cheaters out there.

Yeah, I knew what you meant. Just forgot to add it. :)
The short time I tested the script did not make me do better times in ttrr or made me do moves I can't do without, sure here and there the rope shoots faster but also you don't have a reliable space, it's a bit similar to the hardcore modded keyboards where finger-rolling on the edge of space bar with removed spring can produce unwanted taps. Maybe it's just that you have to get used to it.

Offline Maciej

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #132 on: August 10, 2011, 09:31 PM »
sorry for maybe a little spam here, but Orange started it, tried to get up some bogus stories about me, so I just have to replay.
As I said everyone can accuse you about any thing they want, without any reasons, but I decided to look for some proofs anyway.
First time I tried AHK was in 7th on June this year, after somebody shown the cheat script on tus, I know the date clearly, because there is still on my desktop file with install the AHK, and there it is written (my desktop is full of rubbish).
I even remember that I didn't know how to use AHK, and I even asked somebody how to make work this script (but I haven't got any answer probably, and afterall I found a way), unfortunately, I don't remember who I asked for, and can't find any talk (maybe it was on snooper, don't really remember).
I even checked my last posts on tus, and this is what I wrote at 7th on June (the first post after checked the script):
lol, check my taps now, first try with it + I play under other keys usually

and true! you can keep pressed one space and other still works! I have been looking for this solution for my whole fr carrer xD

imo it shouldn't be allowed as it changes possibilities of game, normaly when your space is pressed down, it won't react anymore until it gets up, here it works, so I'm asking, where is timing? Check his video, he presses spaces like mad, without any thinking how he wants it to work, it makes game easier for shadows and scrolls (one of the most important things in rope!)
I hope users of this program will get banned and this program will be not allowed, treat like uwt or other shits like silkworm.

it's not all yet, the day after, I was talking with Stripe on GG (polish msn), he told me that he uses AHK, so I just wanted to check him, and alert about a cheat, that's what I found:
2011-06-08 22:17:30
DAJ EMAIL give me your emial
2011-06-08 22:17:32
wysle ci I will send you
2011-06-08 22:17:37
czity moje my cheats

2011-06-08 22:17:53
daj tutaj skrypt give here your script

2011-06-08 22:17:58
dostepny musisz byc you have to be online to do it
2011-06-08 22:18:00
i ja tez and me too
2011-06-08 22:18:08
i  dodac mnie and add me to the list

2011-06-08 22:18:10
a nie mozesz wyslac tekstu? Can't you just send me text of the script?

2011-06-08 22:18:14
moghe I can
2011-06-08 22:18:15
2011-06-08 22:18:22
~PgDn::Suspend, on
~PgUp::Suspend, off




2011-06-08 22:19:24
zaraz sprawdze sec, I will check
2011-06-08 22:19:26
2011-06-08 22:21:16
jakie sa twoje spacje? what's your spaces?

2011-06-08 22:21:19
a d
2011-06-08 22:21:23
f8 = shift
2011-06-08 22:21:24
lewy left
2011-06-08 22:21:31
pisze w krypcie chyba nie it's written in the script, isn't it?

2011-06-08 22:21:37
o kurwa wow
2011-06-08 22:21:50
ja f8 klasycznie mam xd my f8 is in the classic place xd

2011-06-08 22:21:59
no spoko i co z moim czitowaniem cool, and what about my cheat?
2011-06-08 22:22:04
wkleic ci filmiki should I show you my video
2011-06-08 22:22:05
2011-06-08 22:22:10
jak zaczynalem fr? how I started to fr?
2011-06-08 22:22:15
na razer lycosa? on razer lycosa
2011-06-08 22:22:17
klawie the keyboard

2011-06-08 22:22:22
czekaj nie o to chodzi wait, it's not about that
2011-06-08 22:22:23
sekunda just a second

2011-06-08 22:23:04
najlepsze jest to ze nie masz pojecia o tym, bo bys widzial po skrypcie, co oznaczaja linijki the best is, that you completly don't have idea about it, because you would have seen it after see the script, what means each rule
2011-06-08 22:23:10
zwykly remap simply remap
2011-06-08 22:23:14
wyslij do MI send it to MI

2011-06-08 22:23:14
chyba tak you are probably right
2011-06-08 22:23:18
nie nie no no
2011-06-08 22:23:23
to chyba czyste it seems to be clear
2011-06-08 22:23:28
bo tamten byl w chuj dlugi because the cheat script was f@#!ing long
2011-06-08 22:23:30
ale czekaj but wait
2011-06-08 22:23:33
bo cos nie dziala xd because it still doesn't work for me xd

2011-06-08 22:23:36
a od kogo masz wchuj dlugi who have you had the long one from?
2011-06-08 22:23:38
wyslij mi send me
2011-06-08 22:23:55
moze bedzie lepszy od mojego i bede w ttrr dobty maybe it will be better than mine, and I will be good in ttrr
2011-06-08 22:23:56

2011-06-08 22:24:17
no jest lepszy yea, it is better

2011-06-08 22:24:28
w jakim sensie in which case?
2011-06-08 22:24:31
cos moze byc lepsze it can be better?
2011-06-08 22:24:35
nie sprzetowo? if it's not about the equipment
2011-06-08 22:24:36

2011-06-08 22:24:41

2011-06-08 22:24:45
jak uwt? like uwt?
2011-06-08 22:24:48
uwt widac na 100km you can see uwt clearly
2011-06-08 22:24:54
ze 2 razy spacje ci wciska that 2 shots at once
2011-06-08 22:24:56

2011-06-08 22:25:05
czek j czek j wait wait (here at last I was able to enable this script, lol)
2011-06-08 22:25:09
to twoje j kies  ziwne jest your script is weird

2011-06-08 22:25:28
ladujesz piszesz (I didn't understand him here, lol)

2011-06-08 22:25:30
le nie m m liter but I don't have letters

2011-06-08 22:25:31
ad jest spacja ad is space

2011-06-08 22:25:32
co jest wtf

2011-06-08 22:25:35
jak wcisnijesz pg down when you press pg down
2011-06-08 22:25:36
masz AD you have AD
2011-06-08 22:25:39
jak pg up when pg up
2011-06-08 22:25:41
masz spacje you get spaces

2011-06-08 22:25:43

2011-06-08 22:25:48
lol o to chodzi lol, that's it
2011-06-08 22:25:52
ze jak czat wlaczasz that if you open the chat
2011-06-08 22:25:57
to piszesz z literami you can write the letters

2011-06-08 22:25:59

2011-06-08 22:26:02
jak pd up if pg up
2011-06-08 22:26:05
to masz spacje you get spaces
2011-06-08 22:26:11
cala mistyfikacja czita all the way of my cheat
2011-06-08 22:26:13
wygoda comfortable
2011-06-08 22:26:15
2011-06-08 22:27:00
fajne nie? good, isn't it?

2011-06-08 22:27:57
mam dobre wiesci I have a good new
2011-06-08 22:28:01
nie c itujes  you don't cheat
2011-06-08 22:28:11
nie chitujesz*
2011-06-08 22:28:40
dobra ok
2011-06-08 22:28:41
jetses are you there?
2011-06-08 22:28:42

2011-06-08 22:28:46
jestem lol I am lol

2011-06-08 22:28:48
to Ci wytlumacze o co cala akcja so I will explain you the story about the 'action'
2011-06-08 22:29:04
to słuchaj so listen

and then I explained him how we found the script, etc
spaw is stripe (his old nick) and Ja = me in polish, it's just me
you can see here that I don't even know what's going on, that I don't know how it is written etc
so how would I create even harder script over 2 years ago?

I know that for mostly of you it's boring to read, and I will probably get some smites again because of off topic, but I just had to replay, if someone accuse me about such a things, and think up bogus stories like this...

so GET THE f@#! OUT LIAR (Orange), poor try, and I really didn't think you are kid like that.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 09:38 PM by Maciej »

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Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #133 on: August 10, 2011, 09:41 PM »
post above TL;DR

but is it me or some people in this thread rejoice about being acussed of cheating? it's as if they think people thinking they cheat makes them better ropers.

i'm sure that if certain players came back they would be acussed of using cybernetic arms...

MonkeyIsland, my friend, I know your english is terrible and your understanding of society limited. However, in real life, people attack and humiliate others without the use of a single bad word. They even go to war with lengthy politeness. You can't base the whole moderation philosophy of a community based on the use of bad words and your struggle with sarcasm and irony. My attack to Jonno was fully justified and of proper good taste.
Eat a bag full of dicks.

Offline Maciej

Re: sm0k's video - FR
« Reply #134 on: August 10, 2011, 09:45 PM »
but is it me or some people in this thread rejoice about being acussed of cheating? it's as if they think people thinking they cheat makes them better ropers.

I don't know what you actually mean, but of course it's compliment if somebody thinks that you cheat (while you not), because you know, you got so good timing to make ppl believe you cheat (that you got so fast taps, seemed like cheat), it motivates :)